Monday, 28 April 2014

Random little "Questions about me" tag!


So this is going to be a "Questions about you tag", I think there are around 50 questions but I may not answer all of them depending on what they are asking haha. The tag is from Tumblr, and to be honest I was intending to make a YouTube video answering these questions but I changed my mind and decided I just wasn't brave enough yet. I like doing these kinds of things because I myself am a very nosey person, and like to know things about other people so this is for other nosey people! LOL. Lets get started!

1. What is your middle name? Jane
2. How old are you? 17
3. When is your birthday? 16th January
4. What is your starsign? Capricorn.
5. Favourite colour?  Either red or mint green
6. Whats your lucky number? 63
7. Do you have any pets? No :-(
8. Where are you from? Suffolk, England
9. How tall are you? 5"9 (I think)
10. What size shoe are you? Um like a 7 most of the time.
11. How many pairs of shoes do you wear? Waaaay to many, but to be honest I only wear about 3 pairs.
12. What was your last dream about? In my last dream I was a beautician and I was doing Ellie Goulding's hair and makeup, and I burnt one of her eyebrows off.
13. What talents do you have? I have the talent to spend an entire day on Tumblr
14. Favourite song? At the moment it's either Don't Wait by Mapei, or Brave by Sara Bareilles
15.Favourite movie? I have 5 all time favourite movies, Matilda, Frozen, Love Actually, Mamma Mia and Camp Takota.
16.Who would be your ideal partner? Darren Criss
17. Do you want children? Yes
18. Do you want a church wedding? No I don't think I do want a traditional wedding.
19. Are you religious? Nope :)
20. Have you ever been to a hospital? Yeah
21. Have you ever been in trouble with the law? No!
22. Baths or Showers? Showers
23. How many pillows do you sleep with? 3
24. What position do you usually sleep in? On my right side
25. What do you usually have for breakfast? If I'm not at college I usually have either Golden Grahams (without the milk) or a bagel
26. Do you have any scars? Yes, I have a scar on my arm from where a girl pinched me till I bled in primary school because I got the last moon bouncer.
27. Do you have a strong accent? Apparently
28. What is your favourite accent? Definitely Irish, or American.
29. Left or right handed? Right
30. Favourite food? PIZZA
31. Favourite foreign food? PIZZA
32. How long does it take for you to get ready? An hour-ish
33.Do you talk to yourself? Yup haha
34. Do you sing to yourself? Guilty
35. Do you like long or short hair? On a boy, short. On me, long.
36. Favourite school subject? Art or English
37. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? Yeah haha sorry!
38. How many piercings do you have? I have 2 in each ear, and my nose.
39. How fast can you type? Pretty fast
40. What colour is your hair? Brown with blonde ombre
41. What colour are your eyes? Hazel
42. What are you allergic to? Tinned berries HAHAHA
43. What makes you angry? Either when people are mean to someone about something they can't help or about something that makes them happy, or when people use "Gay" as an insult.
44. Colour of your duvet set? Purple
45. Colour of your room? Purple!

Well I did 45/50 so I'd say that's a pretty good try! Hopefully someday I am brave enough to film a YouTube video doing something like this! Thanks for reading!

With love, Jessica xx

Friday, 7 March 2014



So yes, I haven't blogged in ages. I'm sorry. Hold on, I have my reasons. I feel that if I am not passionate about a product or really feel that I want to tell you guys about it, I'm not going to blog about it. I feel it's better to not put up a blogpost at all rather than put up a half-hearted one that no one will find interesting!
So now we are over that, lets get into this! Today's blogpost is about my recommendations. I am going to recommend a song, an artist, an album, a makeup product, a skincare product, a TV program, a food product, a film, a fragrance and a YouTube channel that I have been loving in the past month/few months! So here goes!

A Song

A song I want to recommend this month is Don't wait by Mapei. Now this song is a bit different, maybe something you wouldn't expect from me, but I LOVE IT. It is super catchy and just a great song. I listen to it while doing my makeup in the morning and it just gets me ready for the day. (It's also a great song to sing along to in the car!!!). I really recommend you go and listen to this song, it's so good and my absolute favourite! Mapei is a new artist on the scene with only 4,000 followers on twitter, but she is going to be so big soon I can just tell, so go check her out!

An Artist

So my artist recommendation of the month/year/my life is Beyoncé. I am utterly in love with Beyoncé and have been since before time began (obviously not but you know what I mean!). I saw her live at V Festival last year and she was great, and I am totally obsessed with her new self-titled album, Beyoncé, so that is why I am recommending that you go and listen to her this month! My favourite songs off of the new album are Drunk in love, Mine (ft. Drake), XO, Partition (not one to listen to around your parents haha) and No Angel. Don't just take my word for it, go listen!

Here is a link to Beyonce's youtube channel where you can find all the songs -

An Album

My album recommendation of the month is the Frozen Soundtrack! This may sound silly and childish but I really couldn't care less (lol). Frozen is such a good film and I honestly think some of the songs are really beautifully written and sung. Idina Menzel sings Let it go stunningly and I love it! The whole album is so happy, catchy and cheerful! If you are into theatre (or even just love Frozen) then I totally think you should listen to this album!

A Makeup Product

My makeup product of the month is Real Techniques makeup brushes. If you know me or have ever spoken to me about makeup in your life, you'll know I love these brushes. They are the best brushes I have ever used for makeup! I own the powder brush, the expert face brush and a few of the eye brushes and I am obsessed. They are the only brushes I use that don't lose hairs while I'm using them or even when I wash them. Sam and Nic Chapman made these brushes and they just happen to be 2 of my favourite youtubers, go check out their channel! They do really good makeup tutorials, most of which are celebrity-inspired so they are bound to have done one of your favourite! 
Go go go!

(Quick Tip - when you wash your brushes, leave them upside down to try so the cleaning product doesn't drip down to where the hairs are glued in and dissolve the glue!)

A Skincare Product

My skin care product of this month has got to be my Liz Earle Hot Cloth cleanse and polish. I had got out of the habit of using this but then a few weeks ago I bought replacement muslin cloths (because mine had holes in because I had using them too much. oops haha) and that made it much easier to get back into using it and enjoying it! If you have read my other blog posts you will know I love this product, and use it religiously.

A TV Program

This month I am recommending Breaking Bad! I know probably everyone reading this has already seen it and I am realllly late but I love it so much, I couldn't not include it. I am only on Season 3, but I just know I'm going to love it to the very end. I am watching it on Netflix, and I am pretty sure I watch 6 episodes a day haha. You won't regret watching it! (apart from the fact it will ruin your social life for the next 4 months)

A Food Product

My food product of the month is the Cadburys product Crunchie Rocks. I love crunchies anyway but these are on a new level. They are tiny bits of honeycomb held together with lots of Dairy Milk chocolate. What more could you want! I know people that aren't too keen on honeycomb/Crunchies who like these! That's gotta tell you something....

A Film

The film that I'm STRONGLY recommending this month is called Camp Takota, and it was released on February 14th this year. It is not in cinemas or anything, it is an online film, created by Grace Helbig, Mamrie Hart and Hannah Hart, 3 of my all time favourite YouTubers. I am really glad to see YouTubers start to make and get acknowledged for "Mainstream Content"! The film is about a woman called Elise who works for a... No wait I am not going to tell you! 

Go buy the film! !!!!!  Or buy it on iTunes!!! Just search "Camp Takota" !!

A Fragrance

My fragrance recommendation this month is Fame by Lady Gaga! I love this perfume for 3 reasons. 

1. Lady Gaga is my queen and I am obsessed with her.
2.It smells so good.
3.The liquid is black but comes out clear. WHAT?!

A YouTube channel

The YouTube Channel I am recommending this month is OBVIOUSLY Tyler Oakley.
If you have ever spoken to me you will know I am obsessed with this man. Tyler Oakley, for those of you that don't know, is an American, 25 year old YouTuber who has over 4 MILLION subscribers!!!! 

He makes videos about his life and is truly fabulous. He has done so many cool things recently, including meeting Barack Obama to talk about social media platforms and getting the message about Obamacare to the internet. How cool!
Another thing that I am really passionate about that he is helping is charity, specifically the Trevor Project. If you don't know, the Trevor Project are a charity that specialize in helping the LGBT youth community in times of crisis by providing a suicide and crisis hotline. Although this hotline (the actual phone number) is only for the USA, they run a website called TrevorSpace which is global. This website allows anyone (gay, straight, lesbian, trans) to join, make an account, and message like-minded people to get help or help others. I have an account on TrevorSpace so that if anyone who feels like they just want to talk to someone who won't judge/is a stranger can contact me.

Tyler Oakley launched a 50 day campaign to raise $150,000 for the Trevor Project for his birthday (so that instead of people buying him presents, they spend the money on helping other people reach more of their birthdays). 
His viewers (including myself) reached the $150,000 in 6 DAYS. So he extended the goal to $250,000. And we smashed that aswell! At this moment in time he has raised over $280,000 for the Trevor Project, and I think that makes him an all round great person.

Aswell as being a great believer in charity, he is hilarious, makes fun and interesting videos and collaborates with lots of other fun youtubers! Go check him out!

Also, here is the link for where you can donate to the Trevor Project through Tyler's campaign!

Thanks so much for reading this blog post, congrats if you got to the end, it was a big of a long one!
I really enjoyed blogging about things that weren't so much beauty related, so I hope that was okay!

With love, Jessica xx

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

January Birchbox!


So this blog is on January's Birchbox, which is my first box of my subscription. This is not a review because I haven't had time to try out all of the products, so I will just be showing you what's in the box and saying my opinion on it! If you don't know what a Birchbox is, it's a beauty sample box that you can buy subscription too and get it delivered to your house every month. It's a sample service which gives you the chance to try out some high-end products that you normally wouldn't. I think it's a great idea!! 

So first I will show you how Birchbox came packaged. It came in this cute little box with a bag inside filled with goodies. I really like how it's packaged and how the bag and box are both re-usable!

This is a picture of all the contents from this months box.

So in the box there was:
- a mini Porefessional from Benefit

- a mini Phillip Kinglsey moisture balancing conditioner 

- a mini Blanc Cachemire moisturiser 

- a mini Lavera hand cream 

- a mini Beekind body lotion

I was very happy with everything I received in this months box, especially the Porefessional by Benefit as I have been wanting to try it out for a long whe so this is the perfect chance! 

I will hopefully be trying out all the products really soon, and doing a review on a couple of my favourites! 

Thanks for reading! 

With love, Jessica xx

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Random little haul that was not planned in anyway!



So this blog post is just a random haul, I did some shopping today and bought some nice things so I thought I would share them with you! They are not necessarily beauty related, they are just some nice things I bought! 

So first of all is a really nice jewellery plate that I bought from a shop called EmZo. It's a really nice pinky/purple colour and has a pretty pattern on it and I will be putting it on my dressing table with jewellery on or maybe even a candle. This plate was only £2.95!!! 

Another thing I got from EmZo today is this pair of earrings. They had a whole rose gold range (which excited me immensely) and so obviously I had to get something! These earrings are a bit heavy but I really liked them and I think they look nice with my hair down and curly. They were £4.50 which I thought was soooo reasonable! 

Today I also got 2 hair products, one of which is a conditioner that is specifically for blonde hair as you all know I have had my hair ombréd recently so I want to keep it as nice and blonde as possible. It is a bit scary as when the conditioner comes out of the tube it is BRIGHT purple but it just takes the brassy, yellow tones out of your dyed blonde hair. I think this product was only about £5 which is good! 

The other hair product I got was a new heat protection spray which is from VO5. I have been curling my hair a lot recently and as my hair is now half bleached it's really important that I protect my hair from heat as I have put it through enough trauma already! Haha. Another good thing is that this product smells sooo good! 

Another thing I bought from EmZo is these really sweet paper straws which are pink and white stripes! I don't know what to say about these... They're just cute straws. 

And last I got some new fake eyelashes which means I am very happy. I got 2 sets which are both from Eyelure, from the Naturalites range. I got one set of the 101's and one set of the 107's. I have had the 107's before so I know I like them and the 101's look slightly more natural and not as long in the outer corners. 

Before I go I would like to recommend some music and a tv/film once a month, starting which my favourite music and tv/film of January! If you know me, you will know that my ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE film of January 2014 was Frozen. I love the animation, the characters, the moral of the story, the music, and all the Tumblr Gifs that have been created from it. If you haven't seen it, change that right now. Go. It will change your life.

The music I would like to recommend this month is an old set of songs, just done on a new way. Ke$ha has done an album called 'Deconstructed' which is some of her songs (such as Blow, Die Young etc...) and done acoustic and un-auto tuned versions of them! They're really good and DEFINATLEY worth checking out even if you are not a Ke$ha fan. 

Anyway thanks for reading!!

With love, Jessica xx

P.s I will be back soon with a beauty blog post as I received my BirchBox a few days ago!!!!! AHHHH! Exciting right?!? 

Monday, 20 January 2014

Birthday Haul!


Sorry I haven't posted in such a long while, but I promise I have a good reason. It was my birthday on the 16th on this month so I was caught up in doing lots of fun things with all my favourite people to celebrate that. It was my 17th birthday, and the reason I am mentioning this is because this blog post is going to be all about a few things I got for my birthday! So here goes!

So first of all from my mum I got a lipgloss. And it's not just any old lipgloss. It's a Chanel lipgloss. I have wanted this Chanel lipgloss for quite a while now, it is in the shade Genie and I had heard a lot of good things about these lipglosses such as the fact they are not sticky or gloopy (is that a word?), and lasted on your lips for ages, and these claims are all true. When I saw this colour online I loved it, but when I saw it in store it shocked me as it was BRIGHT ORANGE. But then the lady behind the counter tried it out on me it turned out to be a nude/coral colour, and I loved it again :)

Another present I got from my mum was the nicest pair of earrings ever, they are dangly earrings in a teardrop/pear shape, with gold round the outside and a orange/peach colour gem on the inside. I really like these earrings and have lots of lipsticks and glosses that go well with them!

Next up, again from my mum I got a magazine subscription to Glamour magazine as it is one of my favourites, and I love all the fashion and beauty bits in it.

 I also got from my mum a New Look voucher, driving lessons, a Nando's giftcard, and the cutest birthday card with a pug on the front!

I also got a hair treatment set from TRESemme which is specifically for coloured/bleached hair, as another one of my presents from my mum was going to the salon to get my hair done.

 I got blonde ombre put in my hair, and I really really like it. It's not too blonde, more of a caramel colour, and I'm really pleased with how it turned out (even if it did take 3 HOURS in the salon!!!!!).

From my lovely friends I got a gift set of the Shea Butter products from The Body Shop, a Costa Coffee voucher, and an Itunes voucher. And also because she is the best, one of my closest chummies threw me a surprise birthday party! It was so much fun, and made me smile for ages.

So those were a few things I got for my birthday, I didn't include everything because I didn't want this blog post to go on for too long and get boring, and also I didn't want to look like I was bragging (which I wasn't). I also didn't include prices as I thought that may have seemed like I was showing off also. I just thought this 'Birthday Haul' was a fun idea that I would enjoy writing and hopefully you would enjoy reading!

With love, Jessica xx

P.s - Just as a side note, if your looking for a book to read or just feel like giving something new a try, I would 100% recommend A Fault in Our Stars by John Green. I am about two thirds of the way into this book, and although it is quite sad and about a sensitive subject, it is also funny, heart-wrenching and extremely relatable. I would quite happily say it's one of the best books I have and will ever read, and would definatley suggest you read this too. :) The film of this book is due to come out around July time this year, so if you want to read this book I would get reading now so you definatley fit it in before seeing the film!

Also a youtuber called Troye Sivan has written a song about this book, and it is amazing, so if you have read this book or are in the process of reading it, I would highly recommend checking that out here!

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Essential beauty storage!


So today is going to be a bit of a long post as it's all about a few of my essential beauty products and how I store them. 

To start with I store all the essentials in one huge clear container, so I know where they are all. This box contains brush cleaners, face cleaners, wipes, lip balms and more. 

In this box, amongst other things, I have 2 candles that my friend made me for Christmas which I think are really adorable, and I think will be great for burning whilst I'm in the bath. She made them in cupcake cases!! 

Another thing in my box of goodies (😏) is some makeup wipes (naughty, I know). These are for when I'm so tired I don't have to time to use a cleanser and toner etc, so I just need to get my makeup off quickly. I alternate between two types of wipes, I either use the Simple Clear Skin Oil Balancing cleansing wipes or the Argan Oil Cleansing facial wipes.

 The Argan Oil ones smell amazing, and are more for just cleansing your face and freshening it rather than taking off makeup, for which I use the Simple ones.

Another thing I have in my box is for when I'm not feeling lazy and cleanse my face, which is my Liz Earle Hot Cloth Cleanser, which I did a whole blog post about so go check that out! 

The next product is the face wash I use which is the Neutrogena Pin Grapefruit face wash. This is just a standard face wash that smells great and does the job. 

Also to do some bargain pampering I have 5 of the Montagne Jeunesse Face Masks, in the flavours Pressed Blueberries, Pulped Pomegranate, Cucumber, Red Hot Earth and Dead Sea. I really love these masks as they are such a bargain at £1.49 each, they're great for girls nights in, or just pampering yourself after a long hot bath. I would defiantly recommend these! 

And my last product that I'm going to talk about is slightly higher end, which is the Clinique Redness Solutions Loose Powder which I bought at a Clinique counter in Debenhams for the first time in middle school, and I still repurchase till this day. It is a tub with loose yellow powder in which you apply before your foundation but after your moisturiser and primer, and it is designed to stop redness coming through under your makeup, somehow acting as a barrier between the skin and makeup. This product is £25.50 but lasts for ages and really does work. Love it! 

So thanks for reading guys, and I'm sure as it's my birthday on Thursday I will probably be doing a 'Birthday Haul' type of blog if I get any beauty products and stuff, so stay tuned for that! 

With love, Jessica xx

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Golden nails!


So today's post is about something a bit different, nails. Now I do not have great nails and I do bite them, but every couple of months I buy a pack of 200 clear artificial nails, and wear them. They come in all shapes and sizes and are really good quality. I think they are about £8 and the brand is Nailene, but you can buy them from Superdrug, Boots and Tesco. 

I bought a new nail varnish the other day and I am absolutely in love with it! It's from No .7, and is in the colour 'Hot to Trot' (number 18). This colour is a gold shimmery colour that is quite sheer and not too dark. I really like it, I think it's a subtle way too jazz up an outfit or evening look. It has a quick drying gloss finish that gives great shine too the nails. 
The only downside is that you do have to apply 2-3 coats to get full coverage, and the nail varnish will start to chip after 2-3 days if you do not apply a top coat. 

This nail varnish is only £6.00 and there are often £3.00 Boots vouchers going round if you buy anything else from there!

The top coat I use which drys any varnish instantly is from Whoosh Salon Systems and I think I got this from a shop called Sally's as my friend works in there. This top coat is so nice and only costs around the £4 mark. 

I also like to apply a base coat, for which I use Collection 2000's base coat, which just gives a nice base to apply any polish onto, and is only £2.99! 

Anyways I hope you like today's post, and had a great day.

With love, Jessica xx